
The Wiki details how to install the necessary prerequisites, including Rust and its tooling. You will need cargo, amongst other dependencies, before progressing.

The "Omninode"

The polkadot-parachain can be used a universal collator instance for running most of the parachains (an "omninode beta"), and can be installed follows:

cargo install --git --tag polkadot-v1.10.0 --force polkadot-parachain-bin

You can change --tag to the specific release of your choice.

Which will allow you to run the polkadot-parachain:

❯ polkadot-parachain --version
polkadot-parachain 1.10.0-7049c3c9883 # or, which ever release you cloned.

Chain Spec Builder

The chain-spec-builder tool is used for building a chain specification from a Wasm binary. It can be installed as follows:

cargo install staging-chain-spec-builder

You may find more information in the link above and in the Parity Devops documentation:

❯ chain-spec-builder --help
A utility to easily create a chain spec definition

Usage: chain-spec-builder [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  create          Create a new chain spec by interacting with the provided runtime wasm blob
  verify          Verifies the provided input chain spec
  update-code     Updates the code in the provided input chain spec
  convert-to-raw  Converts the given chain spec into the raw format
  list-presets    Lists available presets
  display-preset  Displays given preset
  help            Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --chain-spec-path <CHAIN_SPEC_PATH>
          The path where the chain spec should be saved [default: ./chain_spec.json]
  -h, --help
          Print help

pop! CLI

pop-cli can be used to spin up a local development network with a parachain and relay chain setup, which can be configured in devnet.toml file inside zombienet-config.