Asset Hub Integration

Asset Hub is a system chain of Paseo test network which allows for minting and managing fungible and non-fungible assets.

Asset Hub Channel Setup

Through this PR, the bi-directional HRMP channel setup with Asset Hub became permissionless and can be done through an XCM call from the parachain to Rococo relaychain. Here is the sudo XCM call used by the educhain for reference 0x0f001f000301000314000400000000070010a5d4e81300000000070010a5d4e80006000300c16678419c183c0ae8030000140d01000001003145.

You need to top-up the parachain's sovereign account on Paseo relay chain with PAS tokens to pay for the fees and deposits

You can use ParaID to child address uitility here to determine which address on Paseo chain to send tokens to.

Foreign Asset Registry

The native token of a parachain can be registered as a Foriegn Asset on Asset Hub. This can be accomplished through an XCM call from the parachain to the Asset Hub that invokes create call of the foreignAssets pallet. Here is the call that needed to be executed on the Asset Hub to register its native token as a foreign asset 0x3500010100f146007369626cbc11000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ca9a3b000000000000000000000000. As this call cannot be directly executed on Paseo Asset Hub, it is wrapped in a sudo XCM call from the parachain 0x0f001f0003010100a10f03140004000100000700e876481713000100000700e876481700060382acd84fc542e03500010100f146007369626cbc11000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ca9a3b000000000000000000000000140d0100000100f146

The next step is to create metadata for the asset on Asset Hub. Here is the call that needed to be executed on the Asset Hub via the XCM message from parachain 0x3511010100314520456475636861696e0c4544550a. Repeat the same procedure as above.

You need to top-up the parachain's sibling account on Paseo relay chain with PAS tokens to pay for the fees and deposits

You can use ParaID to sibling address uitility here to determine which address on Paseo chain to send tokens to.