Web3 Educhain

Educating Web3 through Polkadot SDK.

Educhain On-demand Parachain is now live on Rococo

Why Educhain?

When creating the Web3 Educhain project, there were around 50 parachains on the Polkadot network but no concrete guides on launching and maintaining a production-grade parachain. There are also very limited tutorials that demonstrate the Polkadot SDK features that are shipped with FRAME library.

Web3 Educhain intends to address these issues by providing insights, examples and tutorials with documentation on how to launch and maintain a parachain.

Why Polkadot?

Along with the efficient utility of coretime and blockspace, a parachain deployed on Polkadot has access to

  • Multi-billion dollar crypto-economic security backed finality from block number one.
  • Secure interoperability with multiple chains within and outside of the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Customizable blockchain runtimes written in Rust and executed as Wasm code.
  • Decentralized network and networking stack with light-client prioritized design.
  • Visionary, intellectual, smart (and at times oversmart) developer community.
  • Polkadot OpenGov and its Treasury, which pays OECD grade salaries to the Technical Fellowship and funds numerous development initiatives through bounties.

With Agile Coretime, parachains can now produce blocks continuously or on demand. By activating Async Backing, parachains can produce blocks every 6 seconds whose transactions get finalized in 20-60 seconds, and around 800 TPS.

With elastic scaling, the throughput of parachains is expected to improve further, with multiple cores being utilized at the same time. In the near future, parachains can subscribe to the parachains service of the JAM chain, which enables advanced features that makes blockchain technology feasible for the majority of its use cases.

Launch a Parachain

With the available templates, you can now launch a production-grade blockchain in a day! To learn how, navigate to the next page.